Tanda Khas (Patognomonik) Penyakit
Patognomonik (tanda khas) penyakit
- COPD = Barrel-Chested
- Pneumonia = Greenish Rusty Sputum
- Pernicious Anemia = Beefy Red Tongue (Schilling’s Test)
- Kawasaki Dse. = Strawberry Tongue
- Malaria = Stepladder Fever
- Typhoid = Rose Spot
- Tetany = Chvostek Sign (Muscle Twitching Face) and Trousseau’s Sign (Jenky Mov’ts)
- Pancreatitis = Cullen Sign (Bluish Discoloration Preumbilical Area)
- Appendicitis = McBurney’s Point (rebound tenderness), Rovsing Sign (RLQ pain with palpation in LLQ), Psoas Sign (Pain or Lying down putting pressure on MB pt)
- Thrombophlebitis = Homan’s Sign
- Hepatitis = Icteric Sclera (yellowish discoloration of sclera)
- Meningitis = Budzinski Sign (pain on nape) and Karnig Sign (pain on leg/ knee area)
- Pyloric Stenosis = Olive-Shaped Mass
- Hyperthyroidism = Exopthalmus
- Addison’s Dse. = Bronze-like skin
- Cushing Syndrome = Buffalo Hump
- Cholera = Rice Watery Stool
- SLE = Butterfly Rashes
- Leprosy = Leoning Face (contracted face)
- Bulimia Nervosa = Chipmunk face
- Liver Cirrhosis = Spider Angioma
- Hyperpituitarism = Catotenemia (discoloration of the skin) and xanthamia
- Down syndrome = single crease on Palm
- Cataract = Blurry vision/ Hizzy vision
- Glaucoma = Tunnel-like vision
- Cholecystitis = Murphy’s Sign (pain RUQ)
- Myasthenia Gravis (MG) = Ptosis (inability to open upper eyelids)
- Dengue = Petechiae
- Parkinson’s Dse. = Pill Rolling Tremors